Set up

pns = pd.read_csv('persons.csv')
check_nan = pns['age'].isnull().values.any()
pns['age'] = pns['age'].astype(int)
pns['edu'] = pns['edu'].astype(int)
X = pns.drop(['wealthC','wealthI'],axis = 1)
y = pns.wealthC


Linear Regression MSE: 0.44281
Coefficient array:

  [ 3.01812923e-02,  1.07882853e-02, -5.57603897e-04,  8.37880684e-02,
    4.04701739e-02,  6.37198352e-02, -1.40023112e-01,  9.99896825e-02,
    1.85515805e-01, -2.49517259e-01, -2.47122665e-01, -7.30324831e-02,
    3.09612080e-01, -1.29375995e-01,  3.53607318e-01,  2.33225714e-01,
   -1.34364084e-01, -1.92558301e-01, -1.20146711e-01,  3.59279100e-02,
    1.46004504e-01, -1.81932414e-01,  1.05944573e-01,  4.00186663e-01,
    1.72822325e-01,  2.29943453e-02,  1.03043774e-01, -1.15888783e-01,
   -2.18966624e-01, -2.90949455e-01, -3.83672661e-01, -3.84737293e-01,
    3.07519898e-01,  2.55401258e-02,  2.56163113e-01,  3.95033383e-01,
    3.60442298e-01,  1.90435535e-01,  3.86891012e-01,  1.53405264e-01,
   -2.09042764e-02,  5.43122461e-02, -1.27172669e-01, -5.40268677e-01,
   -5.63637093e-01, -1.58355761e-01, -1.08923385e-01, -2.12578757e-02,
   -3.26132080e-01,  3.26132080e-01, -6.44297719e-02,  6.44297719e-02,
   -2.76390443e-01,  4.32693258e-01,  6.03439291e-02,  4.07576086e-01,
   -6.37787977e-01,  1.35651470e-02, -2.47897601e-01,  2.47897601e-01]

Linear Regression Standardized MSE: 0.44297
Coefficient array:

  [ 1.12548658e-01,  5.24358116e-03, -1.08884589e-02,  6.92579735e-02,
    7.36951509e+10,  8.66257201e+10,  7.69209583e+10,  7.91372426e+10,
    8.45473781e+10,  7.89854838e+10,  7.88333540e+10,  8.76583681e+10,
    8.66134726e+10,  8.54267349e+10,  1.16140874e+11,  1.01070442e+11,
    7.65053798e+10,  7.51091695e+10,  8.19133567e+10,  4.80000747e+10,
    7.26531241e+10,  7.87003037e+10, -6.56609287e+09, -6.60161265e+09,
   -1.20447035e+10, -1.40140921e+10, -7.23238899e+10, -3.56557715e+10,
   -1.50138208e+10, -2.23537221e+10, -6.34833466e+10, -4.69533271e+09,
   -7.80211026e+09, -1.23673099e+10, -1.59629508e+10,  5.30991560e+10,
    2.31813714e+11,  8.95044996e+10,  4.32553262e+10,  1.67206073e+10,
    3.49539754e+11,  2.11161816e+11,  2.27988135e+11,  4.41825617e+11,
    1.81354767e+10,  2.62747629e+10,  1.66594092e+11,  3.43909538e+10,
   -2.42890031e+11, -2.42890031e+11,  1.82248582e+10,  1.82248582e+10,
    1.21238081e+10,  5.65381739e+09,  1.10197079e+10,  2.38345511e+11,
    2.39952072e+11,  3.49669495e+10, -4.32651302e+10, -4.32651302e+10]

Linear Regression training R^2: 0.73583
Linear Regression testing R^2: 0.73505
Linear Regression standardized training R^2: 0.73581
Linear Regression Standardized testing R^2: 0.73504
Comparison of coefficient:
the linear regression coefficient changes a lot, but the values for MSE and R^2 do not vary much before and after standardization, but the scores after standardization is slightly smaller than those before standardization.
Ridge Regression (alpha value range 65 to 75): optimal alpha value: 72.89473 ; training score: 0.73583 ; testing score: 0.73521
Lasso Regression (alpha value range 0.0001 to 0.0003): training score: 0.73583 ; testing score: 0.73506
We can see from the extremely similar training and testing scores that changing the model does not significantly inprove performance.


Linear Regression MSE: 1750276834.9304745
Coefficient array:

[ 2.31986195e+03,  1.08192000e+03, -5.08892487e+01,  6.53283809e+03,
  3.17688859e+03,  4.03623951e+03, -9.96051610e+03,  1.12302854e+04,
  1.02336910e+04, -1.62924258e+04, -1.71918653e+04, -6.04206999e+03,
  2.08751277e+04, -9.31120042e+03,  2.41734580e+04,  1.34930387e+04,
 -6.80151578e+03, -1.25300357e+04, -9.08909982e+03,  5.48192929e+03,
  7.99367502e+03, -1.34756043e+04,  1.74439055e+04,  3.27144540e+04,
  5.76665872e+03,  3.89473708e+02,  2.46689944e+03, -1.29356339e+04,
 -1.29054696e+04, -2.77376917e+04, -2.95652191e+04, -2.65078796e+04,
  2.29944393e+04, -3.88963009e+03,  3.17656932e+04,  4.00606955e+04,
  3.66535576e+04,  9.64026616e+03,  4.80974344e+04,  9.98177625e+03,
 -1.07028288e+04, -9.12002749e+03, -1.86232403e+04, -4.61832386e+04,
 -3.14138344e+04, -7.19146447e+03, -1.55796604e+04, -5.61943537e+03,
 -3.46563978e+04,  3.46563978e+04, -3.20570735e+04,  3.20570735e+04,
  1.51485651e+03,  5.89549456e+04,  2.36376276e+04,  9.41611219e+03,
 -6.81569745e+04, -2.53665673e+04, -2.24372689e+04,  2.24372689e+04]

Linear Regression Standardized MSE: 1750287416.4378276
Coefficient array:

[ 8.64993728e+03  5.31704713e+02 -1.00083919e+03  5.39975577e+03
  5.08584139e+15  5.97820436e+15  5.30846044e+15  5.46141040e+15
  5.83477406e+15  5.45093724e+15  5.44043848e+15  6.04946935e+15
  5.97735914e+15  5.89546013e+15  8.01510082e+15  6.97506186e+15
  5.27978059e+15  5.18342548e+15  5.65299528e+15  3.31257571e+15
  5.01392915e+15  5.43125643e+15 -4.53138456e+14 -4.55589743e+14
 -8.31227714e+14 -9.67138936e+14 -4.99120808e+15 -2.46067205e+15
 -1.03613210e+15 -1.54267253e+15 -4.38110551e+15 -3.24033768e+14
 -5.38438348e+14 -8.53491387e+14 -1.10163335e+15  3.66447293e+15
  1.59979017e+16  6.17687436e+15  2.98513166e+15  1.15392065e+15
  2.41223979e+16  1.45726753e+16  1.57338913e+16  3.04912193e+16
  1.25156346e+15  1.81327095e+15  1.14969726e+16  2.37338460e+15
 -1.67622992e+16 -1.67622992e+16  1.25773184e+15  1.25773184e+15
  8.36686869e+14  3.90180604e+14  7.60490828e+14  1.64486734e+16
  1.65595452e+16  2.41313515e+15 -2.98580826e+15 -2.98580826e+15]

Linear Regression training R^2: 0.82584
Linear Regression testing R^2: 0.82501
Linear Regression standardized training R^2: 0.82582
Linear Regression Standardized testing R^2: 0.82501
Comparison of coefficient: just like the feature WealthC, the values before and after standardization is nearly the same, but the scores after standardization is slightly smaller than those before standardization.
Ridge Regression (alpha value range 92 to 94): optimal alpha value: 93.26315 ; training score: 0.82584 ; testing score: 0.82533
Lasso Regression (alpha value range 1.0 to 2.0): training score: 0.82583 ; testing score: 0.82502
Again, the training and testing scores for all these three regressionb models are very similar, so the performance is still not improved.

Which of the models produced the best results in predicting wealth of all persons throughout the smaller West African country being described?

All the values from the three models for target “WealthC” is higher than the values for target “WealthI”, which indicates that “WealthI” fit the modles better and has higher predictability, so “WealthI“ is more correlated with the features. But “WealthI” has weirdly large MSE before and after standardization, which suggest that the MSE value for “WealthI” in linear regression model is not usable. As for linear regression, ridge regression, and lasso regression for “WealthC”, ridge regression produces results with largest value, although all other values are almost the same, so ridge regression model for WealthI should be considered as the best model.

Ridge for WealthC


Ridge for WealthI
