Development means granting freedom to people and remove unfreedom from the society. Such development is much more than mere economic development and freedom refer more than simply purchasing power in economic terms or urbanization and technological progresses. It also refers to social and economic arrangements like education and health care, as well as civil rights like public discussion, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, etc.
I think this is an expansive view of development. Instead of focusing primarily on economic factors like money, the reading relate development with more freedom factors. Development should be expanded to benefit people from the whole society, instead of focusing on the tools that reflect development like growth of GNP. For example, some countries with higher GNP may actually have shorter life expectancy than some other poorer countries.
Unequal opportunity to access social facilities: health care-medicine/hospital and clean food/water/shelter resources, education, transportation, etc.). Limited access to education. Education is a premise to achieve all other opportunities. For example, after becoming educated, people can start to look for more productive works and jump out of the original poverty trap. Tyranny or authoritarian that deprive basic social or civil right (exploitation of workers, deprivation of freedom of speech, privacy). Gender discrimination: women may be rejected by some employers simply because of their gender (time may be wasted due to pregnancy).
Human development is not a short-term topic so we must reserve resources for future generations so that they would have the freedom to access clean environment, energy and nutrition. The sustainable agencies could analyze current social situation, make predictions and provide guidance for governments or companies to carry out sustainable development. The free agencies could connect individuals with the society by supporting initiatives and thought exchanges which stimulates communication and create opportunities. During economic activities like transaction, ideas and wealth increase, thus development is promoted.
Although people like to exchange goods, words or gifts with each other, those with more wealth and social power are more likely to benefit from the market. In this way, these people would become even advantageous and eventually start to deprive the well-beings of other people. For example exploiting labors, manipulate transactions in the market. This would lead to more inequality in the society.
When Kader Mia was commuting between his working place and his home for a tiny wage, he was knifed by thugs because he went into a hostile area. The turbulent society and downturned economic situation caused the local people to live in misery. Although his wife warned him against the unfavorable social situation, in order to fed his family, he had to take the risk. However, due to the poor sanitation condition, he still died in the hospital. Therefore in his case, the penalty of his economic unfreedom is death.
Condorcet was a rationalist who believed that fertility rates would decrease as population growth comes along with more education and more freedom. Malthus was an economist who influenced economists in 1800s and believed that fertility rate rises with income and population growth would tend to outrun food supply and finally cause famine and war.